Monday, July 21, 2008

Black Forest

Dulu jadi barang mewah banget karena jarang-jarang bisa makan cake ini…. maksudnya yang bener-bener ngikutin pakem Black Forest, karena sering banget dapat yang penampakannya aja Black Forest yaitu cake yang berlapis butter cream dihias dengan coklat serut dan cherry merah… tapi isi/cake-nya Lapis Surabaya atau Sponge Cake coklat berlapis selai strawberry….

Sekarang, setelah bisa membuatnya sendiri setiap kali bikin diusahakan sesuai pakemnya yaitu tiga lapis Sponge Cake coklat yang diselingi dark cherries dan whipped cream/butter cream serta simple syrup yang berlimpah supaya cake-nya moist…. apalagi dimakan dingin….. hhmmm…

Ini resep andalannya ya….

Black Forest
Recipe by Fatmah Bahalwan

Bahan :
8 btr Telur (ukuran sedang)
60 gr Coklat bubuk
40 gr Maizena
100 gr Terigu
1 sdm Emulsifier
100 gr Mentega, lelehkan.
200 gr Gula pasir
¼ sdt Vanillie
500 gr Krim kocok (butter krim)/Whipped Cream
100 gr Dark cooking chocolate
10 bh Cherry merah
1 klg Cherry hitam, saring pisahkan airnya.

Cara membuat :
1. Campur terigu, coklat bubuk dan maizena, aduk rata.
2. Kocok telur, gula dan emulsifier hingga mengembang dan kental, masukkan campuran tepung sambil diayak, aduk hingga tercampur rata, masukkan mentega leleh aduk rata.
3. Tuang dalam loyang bulat garis tengah 20 cm, oven hingga matang, dinginkan.
4. Potong melintang menjadi tiga bagian, basahi dengan air cherry hitam.
5. Letakkan satu lapis cake, oles dengan butter krim, lalu atur belahan cherry hitam diatasnya, tumpuk diatasnya lapisan kedua oles dan beri cherry hitam lagi, tumpuk lagi lapisan teratas, rapikan.
6. Oles seluruh cake tadi dengan butter krim/whipped cream, hias dengan dark cooking chocolate serut hingga tertutup semua.
7. Semprotkan butter krim, hias dengan cherry merah.

Dibawah ini sejarah Black Forest Cake yang saya ambil dari wikipedia…..

Black Forest cake

A Black Forest cake.Black Forest cake is the English name for the southern German dessert Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (literally "Black Forest cherry cake").

Typically, Black Forest cake consists of several layers of chocolate cake, with whipped cream and cherries between each layer. Then the cake is decorated with additional whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and chocolate shavings. In some European traditions sour cherries are used both between the layers and for decorating the top.[1] Traditionally, Kirschwasser is added to the cake, although other liquors are also used (rum is common in Austrian recipes). In the USA, Black Forest cake is most often prepared without alcohol.

The earliest combination in the Black Forest of cherries, cream and Kirschwasser was probably not in the form of a cake but instead as a dessert. Cooked cherries would be served with cream and perhaps Kirschwasser. A cake combining cherries, biscuit and cream (but without Kirschwasser) probably originated in Germany. Today, the Canton of Zug is world-renowned for its Zuger Kirschtorte, a biscuit-based cake which formely contained no little Kirschwasser. A version from the Canton of Basle also exists. The confectioner Josef Keller claims to have invented Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte in its present form in 1915 in the then prominent Café Agner in Bad Godesberg. This claim, however, has never been substantiated. [2]

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte was first mentioned in writing in 1934[3]. At this time it was known especially in Berlin as well as at good confectioners in German, Austrian and Swiss cities. In 1949 it took 13th place in the list of best-known German cakes. From this time onwards, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte became world-renowned.[4]

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